Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Let's Get Physical

After about a year of perpetually sitting on my ass, I finally got the impetus to get out and go to the gym again. Now I know what you're thinking... "wow, way to go Alex! That's the way to take the initiative on that!" Well, if you were thinking that, I appreciate your kind thoughts, but that's not quite how it happened. I'll give you a brief history (if you really don't care about why I went to the gym, you can seriously skip the next paragraph. It's kind of like a soap opera: if you miss an episode, you can hop right back in just like you didn't miss a thing.):

In July, my doctor retired. I had gotten a blood test done, and my grandparents decided to take my results to my Grandpa's cardiologist in Phoenix. Soon after, I got word that I got accepted to law school and moved here. Well, after Dr. Pearlstein saw my results (and my brother's also), he said he wanted to see us both. Now, put yourself in my shoes for a second: I would be a patient of a cardiologist... the same one my 74-year old grandpa sees. How's that for an exciting though? So, I made an appointment and saw him over winter break (FYI: my brother and I were the youngest people in the waiting room by a good 40 years). The results of my blood test from December were significantly better (cholesterol went from nearly 300 to 218) than the one I had done in July. But he told me I should be working out every day for 45 minutes. Which brings me to today...

So I had my first class of the spring semester (Criminal Law with Professor Kittrie... I have little doubt I'll post on him as the semester progresses) and Alli started grad school at AU on the main campus. I met her over on the main campus after our classes let out and we headed to the Jacobs Fitness Center. Coming from ASU with its huge Student Recreation Complex, I expected it to be quite a bit different. ASU's SRC can be a pretty intimidating place to go for both male and female students, as it is heavily populated by both meatheads and eye candy. The weight room... well, it pretty much sucks if you don't look like you're Barry Bonds' roid buddy. And if you don't know what you're doing, forget about it! Anyway, AU's rec center was a refreshing change, although it was pretty packed. I didn't feel completely out of place. Even though I didn't go to the weight room, I would have no second thoughts about heading in that direction.


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