Thursday, January 27, 2005

Progress: it's a bitch

A fellow Mac dork sent me this link a little while ago showing Steve Jobs and the original debut of the Mac in 1984. A few things struck me from it.

1. Steve Jobs in a tuxedo?? WTF?
2. Bad video quality. That alone could give away its age.
3. Everything looks so outdated!

I know the third one especially is relatively obvious, but I guess that's what 20 years of progress does. In the time we live in where computers are outdated in six months and obselete in three years, 20 years is an eternity. While I am glad that we are taking advantages of the progress we have made, it's pretty amazing to see where we came from. In retrospect, that original Mac is big, clunky, slow, and monochrome, yet at the time, it it was so amazingly advanced than most other personal computers. In terms of both design and functionality, it blew away the IBM and IBM compatible machines of the time.

The moral of the story: go Mac!


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You'd probably enjoy this article by James Lileks.

Yours truly,
Mr. X

...mulling a mac purchase...


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